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The Mission

Empowering individuals to master managing their own healthcare in a challenging environment will be the focus of Hutton Healthcare Services (HHCS).

The Service

It is our strongest belief that preventative medicine is the most effective tool in fighting the leading causes of poor and declining health in our low to middle income population.  Current research indicates that the most effective medical treatment involves total wellness.  Simply put, HHCS will focus on educating and directing individuals about all aspects of wellness, which includes medical, physical, and nutritional well being.  HHCS will also provide a wide variety of preventative health care needs along with maintenance and treatment of acute and chronic health care diseases. HHCS  has an extensive referral system to offer care and treatment in specialty areas such as dental and eye examinations, mammograms, prostate, and colonoscopy services which provide early detection and prevention of diseases.

HHCS performs an assessment to determine the patients needs for treatment.

Hutton Healthcare Services derives its name from John Mark Hutton, my Godson, who died at the age of 16 of Rhabdomyosarcoma.  Rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of cancer that originates in the soft tissues of the body. In John Mark's case it attached to his skeletal muscles that attach to bone that helps the body move. 

Hours of Operations

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